Extang Xceed is a low profile and seamless truck bed cover with a four-panel design. These high-mounted aluminum panels are matte-black powder coated which makes them wear-resistant and gives them a polished look. Moreover, the EnduraCoat moisture-proof vinyl coating prohibits the entry of water into the bed. An excellent drainage system is also introduced in it. The rotatory release latching system is installed in this bed cover for excellent security against thieves. Furthermore, Xceed folds up to the rear window of your truck and gives full access to the truck bed.
Extang Encore is a tri-fold, low-profile truck bed cover which allows a 1-inch thick panel to rest over ½” above the bed rail for an overall sleek and flat look. Fiber-glass reinforced plastic is used in its composition. Its Endura Shield panels are lightweight, only 1 inch thick, and have polypropylene covering. They are further coated by aluminum with a matte-black powder finish for a shiny look and increased durability. It also features hinge caps, rubber corners, and snap-on seals for the best weather protection. Its Bolt Breakthrough single-key lock provides excellent security by locking the front panel and tailgate.

Table of Contents
Protection Comparison

Xceed is highly protected from harsh weather conditions as it offers a tough innovative composition. It has 4 aluminum-coated panels which grant it an efficient strength against harsh climates. Moreover, this cover offers EnduraCoat vinyl layering over its high-duty aluminum coating which is moisture-proof and prevents the water from trickling into the truck bed. The extruded side seals also make it waterproof to some extent. Its mounted rails drain the water into the canister from where it is efficiently flushed out with the help of drain hoses.

Encore can also survives tough weather conditions due to its strong fiber-glass reinforced plastic texture. It offers only 3 aluminum-coated panels which have undergone EnduraShield construction. These panels feature a polypropylene core which helps in making them resistant to cuts, dents, and scratches. It also offers thick polymer rubber closets, hinge caps, and snap-on seals which are blade styled and act as a barrier against extreme weather conditions. To prevent the accumulation of water on the side rails the drain hoses are installed at the front end, that efficiently evacuates water.
Durability Comparison

Xceed’s Endura Coat vinyl shielding also hinders the corrosion process and grants it a rust-free long life. Moreover, its aluminum panel composition and full border frame also function in increasing its durability. The matte-black powdered finish to this cover is proved highly durable and gives it an elegant, polished look. It can carry up to 500 lbs of weight quite easily and is long-lasting. It offers a warranty of 5 years.

Encore also undergoes EnduraShield panels with an aluminum coating which contributes to boost its durability. The durable matte-black powder is introduced in this cover as well. Moreover, its panels offer polypropylene layering which makes it resistant to cuts, dents, and scratches. It comes with a warranty of 3 years and is slightly less durable than its counterpart. Its weight-bearing capacity is up to 600 lbs.
Ease of Use

Both the truck bed covers being discussed here are the product of Extang and are quite user-friendly in the case of their installation and usage. Xceed offers 4 aluminum panels that can be easily piled over each other. Its installation does not require any drilling. You just have to fix the clamps on the side rails and tighten them. Over the side rails, the bed cover is efficiently fixed and can be piled from the tailgate to the rear window. The piled panels can be supported at an angle of 90° above the side rails with the help of prop rods provided on both side rails. You should always lift the aluminum panels by using both rods. Moreover, this bed cover offers a rotary release latching system at the bottom of the rearmost panel which is not key-locked, so, you just have to unlock the tailgate to cover or uncover your truck bed.

Encore is also quite easy to use as it offers only 3 aluminum panels that can be folded from both sides. Its installation is also drilling-free, you just need to fix the clamps below the side rails in such a way that the mid panel remains unfixed. It offers self-locking pins which efficiently fix the cover at each fold. It can be easily detached by folding the front and the rear panel over the mid panel. The mid panel is detachable and can be removed effortlessly. Moreover, it offers a bolt breakthrough key lock above the front panel and a pin lock at the bottom of the posterior panel. If you want to uncover the rear panel you have to open the tailgate first, whereas the front panel can be latched or unlatched by using a key lock. For full bed access, all three panels can be piled and supported along with the rear window with the help of a strong plug wire.
Security Comparison

Xceed undergoes a high degree aluminum coating strengthened by EnduraCoat layering. A fully secured rotary release latching system encloses the operation cable and grants it tamper-proof security. The rotary latching system is present at the bottom of the end panel. The tailgate is to be opened first to uncover the panels. If your truck does not have a tailgate lock then this cover is highly insecure as the front panel is fixed only with the help of ordinary screws. In this case, not only your luggage is at the risk of being stolen but the bed cover itself can be easily detached with the help of a screwdriver.

Encore is highly secured against thieves as it offers a Bolt® breakthrough one key-lock technology. This key lock is placed on the front panel. It not only gives you access to the front half of the truck bed but also secures the whole cover from burglars. Even if your truck does not have a tailgate lock no one can steal your cover unless the front panel is unlocked. Moreover, the panels undergo a tough composition as they are composed of fiber-glass reinforced plastic that cannot be punctured or broken easily. So, this cover is much reliable in keeping your luggage highly secured.
Cost Comparison

There is a slight difference in the price of both truck bed covers. Xceed is a bit more expensive than Encore as the former is more durable and offers better protection against extreme weather conditions. Moreover, this bed cover follows the latest fashion as it offers four aluminum panels. The four folds of Xceed can cover your truck bed at three different positions and give you an edge to utilize a smaller part of the bed as compared to Encore.
- Both truck bed covers are the product of Extang.
- The EnduraCoat moisture-proof vinyl coating of Xceed makes it a better option in the case of protection.
- Xceed is more durable due to its rust-free and stronger composition
- Encore offers a higher weight carrying capacity and Xceed comes with a longer warranty.
- Encore is easier to install and use, as it offers only three aluminum panels out of which the middle one is detachable.
- Encore is more secure against thieves due to its Bolt breakthrough key lock above the front panel.